

    The Guide Center of the Shores of Ulysses

The Centre

We welcome you to the website of the Tourist Guide Center of the province of Latina. Discover with us the Shores of Ulysses, the history of our villages, the beauty of the Pontine Islands, the landscape variety of the parks with daily excursions, walks and guided tours. We offer a wide range of itineraries, experiences and guided tours from Gaeta to Sermoneta, passing through Sperlonga, Terracina and Sabaudia. Visit the site to discover our area and book a guided tour with personalized individual and group itineraries.

Experience the shores of Ulysses like never before

From Minturno, Formia and Gaeta on the coast and inland up to Sermoneta, we will accompany you with our expert guides in the area.

Let's start guiding you

We are always excited to start a new guided tour to convey to you the emotions that this area releases by crossing shores, beaches, sites of historical and naturalistic importance.

A territory full of surprises

The beauty of the coast from Gaeta to Circeo, the history and art from Minturnae to Terracina, the spirituality from Montecassino to Fossanova and the crystal clear waters of the Pontine Islands: these are just some of the surprises that await you.

The Territory

The territory that we cover with our guide services extends from the extreme south of Lazio to the gates of Rome, covering the Shores of Ulysses, the Pontine Plain and the Borghi area in the Lazio hinterland.