Ulysses Coast

Between the blue of the sea and the green of olive groves and parks, there is this wonderful coast kissed by the sun all year round: it goes from Formia to Terracina, passing through Gaeta and Sperlonga. In Formia it is also possible to leave for the Pontine Islands: ships and hydrofoils are available daily at the port to reach both Ponza and Ventotene.


Terracina and Sperlonga

In Terracina the story begins in Roman times and reaches up to the present day: it is easy to suddenly walk along the route of the ancient Via Appia or at the foot of the Capitolium.

To take a step back in time and to remain open-mouthed in front of the majesty of the cryptoporticus you have to reach the top of Monte S. Angelo where we will be able to show you the ruins of the temple of Jupiter Anxur and an extraordinary aerial view of Terracina.

With our tour guides, the journey through history continues in Sperlonga, where you can explore the National Archaeological Museum which includes the Villa and the Grotto of Tiberius, decorated by the Emperor with the majestic “Marble Odyssey“.

And then you can visit the suggestive alleys of the white city where the Saracen pirates scattered and sacked Sperlonga in distant centuries. It was from here that Giulia Gonzaga fled to take refuge in nearby Fondi, a city to visit for the evocative Jewish Quarter.



And why don’t you visit Gaeta? In all seasons the peninsula shines between sea and sun and our guides are ready to reveal the secrets and mysteries of its millenary history: from the Castle, famous for its military prison, to the Golden Chapel, kept in the Sanctuary of Annunziata.

A visit to Gaeta cannot end without passing by the Sanctuary of the Split Mountain where you can go through a small canyon to reach the “Hand of the Turk“, admire the Mediterranean nature and the Bourbon batteries in the Monte Orlando Park or look out over the incredible cliffs of the Grotta del Turco.

Walking in the Borgo di Gaeta, you can watch the fishing boats return from daily fishing and then walk one of the narrow alleys of Via Indipendenza following the scent of the kitchens in the houses, fresh bread and traditional donuts.

An excellent Mediterranean cuisine awaits you on the Riviera di Ulisse, which mixes flavors of the sea and of the land , such as the famous tiella and the olives of Gaeta.

Contact us to organize the guided tour for your group in the Ulysses Riviera. We will be happy to lead you to discover the beauties, history and experiences that our land can offer.